Predicting an early Blue whale season with record numbers!

April and May, 2024, have seen some of the best whale sightings in years dominated by numerous fin whales. Almost the entire month of April, typically dedicated to covering shallow water close to the beach looking for migrating gray whale cow/calf pairs, saw impressive numbers and consistency of fin whales further off the coast. May is transitioning very well with continued fin whale sightings foraging on krill. We are beginning to see our ‘BIG WHALE’ season taking form ahead of schedule as the abundance of krill in our local waters increases, and the first giant blue whales of the season sprinkle into our sightings. Just this past week, we have seen 5 different species of whales including blue whales, fin whales, humpback whales, gray whales and minke whales. With reports from southern waters brimming with blue whales, we are anticipating more and more blue whales into daily counts very soon! Time to spend our days with the largest animal ever to inhabit our planet, the majestic BLUE WHALE!